BOYD'S COFFEE: Branding + Packaging
Boyd's Coffee, a Portland mainstay since 1900, came to us to help relaunch their brand, which hadn't been refreshed since the nascent days of the Northwest coffee movement. Working with the inimitable Austin Howe on concept and copy, we mounted a parallel campaign of advertising and rebranding, based upon Boyd's history as a good, dependable cup of coffee. Armed with market research provided by our partner Michael Connell at Commonwealth Seattle, we leveraged Boyd's extensive historical archives and numerous innovations to launch a comprehensive new identity as the Everyman's coffee brand that grew up with Portland.

Rebranding Boyd's involved renaming almost 25 coffee varieties and creating all-new packaging.

Retail coffee packaging.

Boyd's Coffee Manifesto, featured on signage in Boyd's HQ. (copywriting: Austin Howe)

Coffee label names & designs.

Trade show booth design.

Trade show booth details.

Trade show booth details.

Our convenience store set-up redesign revolutionizes the C-store environment.

Fred Meyer C-store signage.

Freeway billboard welcoming attendees to the Specialty Coffee Association of America convention, held in Portland.

Trade publication advertisements.

Trade publication advertisements.

Various outdoor campaigns.

Proposal to bring back iconic Boyd's vans from years past.

Proposed retail cafe concepts.

Elements in the new identity system, inspired by vintage Boyd's branding.

Main branding elements in the new identity.

Boyd's manifesto signage. (copywriting: Austin Howe)

The Boyd's 'Fuel Truck' tooling around the Columbia River Gorge.